The Sanwa CD800A LCD Display Digital Multimeter has 0.7% best reliability, 3-3 / 4 digits 4000 matters, the capacitance evaluation, not suitable to measure condensation systems with large leak up-to-date time measurement, data hold / range hold, relative value, auto power off, low power ohm at continuity range, solid and protective body cover, chip holder behind the body cover, numerals display 4000, sampling rate 3 times/sec, AC frequency bandwidth, 45-500Hz 4V range, 45-1KHz 40V r
AC and DC voltage test
5Hz~100kHz frequency
3-3 / 4 digits 4000 count
Auto power off
Size: 176 x 104 x 46mm
Weight: 340gm
Made in China
The latest price of the Sanwa CD800A LCD Display Digital Multimeter in Bangladesh is 5300. You can buy this Sanwa CD800A LCD Display Digital Multimeter from our website.
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Sanwa CD800A LCD Display Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter
Sanwa Digital Multimeter
Sanwa LCD Display Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter price